well, for this year, i was celebrating Teacher's Day,
at Sekolah Agama Menengah Unwanus Saadah, where i have been serving there for almost 2 months already! i know, i can't believe it too!
first and foremost,
i want to wish all my teachers from Tadika Kemas Taman Kemuning, Sekolah Kebangsaan Kanchong Darat, Sekolah Menengah Sains Hulu Selangor, and Centre of Foundation Universiti Teknologi Mara;
H A P P Y T E A C H E R ' S D A Y !
maybe they are not reading this, and maybe they won't be reading this, maybe my wishes can't come to the presence of your ear, but don't worry dearest teachers, i always remember you all in my pray (makbul or not, i don't know). hehehe berapi je :D
now i need someone to stab me hundredz time cause i just went thru an album, an album of SEMASHUR teacher's day celebration! know what, they got amy search and his kids of the 'infamous' Akademi Fantasia (jealous tone), came over to that school, and got them play on our Dataran Titiwangsa, eat in our Dewan Makan, wear our school's uniform, our sports gear and i dont know what else! oh myyyy! i am deadly jealous! hehe
not really actually, just a little bit jealous. only a little.
cause you know why? because i had fun today, first time celebrating teachers day :D
let's get back a few days before today~
Friday: most of students were sitting for their PPT so preparation for Dewan Serindit cant be prepared earlier, and when that happened, the rehearsal cant be carried out earlier. rehearsal was postponed to the following day Saturday (which supposed to be my special holiday, throughout the whole week i can only imagine the word Saturday) and now my Saturday shattered into pieces.
Saturday: Rehearsal started at 9 o'clock in the morning, supervised by only one teacher; ME. i mean, wth? mne cikgu cikgi laen, tanye students yg ad, they said: "sir, Hari Guru students uruskan sendiri....". i replied: "okayh, good for you, but what if anything happen? accidents? takkan i sorg nk hanta you pegi hospital??". quick silence. i sighed. "it's okaylah, mule kan jelah rehearsal ni, and kakak kakak, pelajar perempuan yang hias dewan ni bwt keje elok2". and so the rehearsal went on and on while i was busy preparing my choral speaking team for their performance. finished practising, i went back to Serindit Hall utk tgk2 la hows the preparation. masuk2, hmmm boring nye dewan ni, x de balloons, no drapes, no blink2. so i talked to the student incharge for the hall. "cikgu yang suruh you uruskan dewan ni x bagi ape2 bahan ke utk hias dewan?" "x de pun sir..." so i walked into bilik guru and found kain kale ungu yang sgt panjang n gorjes! hehe i dgn selambenye i ambik je, bagi kat stdnt td, and asked her to hang it dekat lampu across the hall! results! I'M GUHREAT! and then i kuar kejap ke kedai beli kertas warne n bling2, balik skolah, bg kt stdnts tu, results! I'M GUH-REAT-ER!
Sunday: holiday!
sampai skolah, perhimpunan pendek, persembahan choral speaking i, n then main!!! ramai cikgu2 bermain menentang pasukan pelajar! cikgu2 llaki main bola tampar. TERBAEK!. puas ak main bola tampar smpi tembam tgn ni. 3 game! igt nk bg str8t set je, tp kesian, bg la seri dulu.. msuk 3rd game, encik2 semue dah pancit termasuk i hahaha finally menang jgak! (mane x nye, 10 lawan 9)
meanwhile, cikgi2 maen bola jaring and indoor games. my mom pnye team maen batu seremban n her team won! hehehe mak borek borek anak rentek rentek :D
pastu upacara dalam Serindit Hall, sang cikgu songs, cikgu ikrar, so many performances, dikir barat, boria from students, plg touching nasyid :( funny yet interesting videos from 'em! sbg penutup, cikgu2 diberi aiskrim n disuruh makan dgn comel depan students. hehh mmg i la paling larhap! bdak2 gelak ape ak paduli! it's TEACHER'S DAY anyway! it's my day!
however, too bad i only have a few pictures to be shared with you guys cause the students incharge hasn't upload much pictures yet. so i guess we'll just have to wait ''. till here then gubbye :*
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me while teaching English |
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playing volleyball with style |
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dikir Barat awesome :) |
baby !! at last u update jugak ehhhh