i have never been touched like this before,
i mean, not in this way,
alright, before this,
i never understands what my students were doing back home;
when they didn't finish their homework,
when they can't answer my question;
when they can't pass the exam.
i expressed that wonder to them.
all i know was that they are underprivileged,
born with no silver spoon,
living hardly everyday,
that their parents are working hard everyday to find them money to go to school,
that maybe their parents had no time to look after the children's study,
and i always tell them to study for the sake of their future,
i told them when they got home,
they got to do revisions on subjects,
i told them that don't need any distraction at school as their main purpose is to study.
study diligently so that their future can be guaranteed;
as their parents had no money sufficient enough to send them to private universities,
they need to ensure themselves that their future are bright enough for them to continue life.
but the most actual fact that i never had the chance to know before this was,
that their life are not as easy as i thought.
if before this, i only know that at home, they need not to think about anything else accept studying,
i was wrong!
they need to think about their study AND their family's survival!
they have to think ways to help their parents out,
they have to ease the burden of their parents,
so they work!
they do any jobs available for them.
anything that can keep their rice cooker filled in.
and this thing happens right in front of my eyes
i met three of my students at bazaar this evening
and they are selling drinks!
no that's not their stall, a pakcik owns it.
no that's not their stall, a pakcik owns it.
i was shocked to see them but i just remained cool in front of them
and bought 'air chrysanthemum' from their stall while my heart
was pounding and screaming and crying hard!
back in the car i almost fell into tears.
no i am not being dramatic.
now i understand
now i am touched
now i realize.
they are not the same like me.
i grew up in a boarding school, i live in hostel and i don't have to think
about anything else except study.
they grew up in a daily school, and they see their parents' hardship everyday
and they need to think about many other things besides study.
they are many other differences that exist between
my life back then and their life now.
at first i never understand them.
i never tried to understand them.
now i am saying my apologies to them
for so many reasons.
God bless you, me and my students.
Great dik...That's why you are just so lucky..It's least you study hard while you still can...=)